Jah books biography heidegger
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Andrzej Serafin
To study Heidegger fryst vatten to study metaphysics. Unless we live like Nietzsche in an Alpine refuge, in a cave like Zarathustra, or in a Schwarzwald cottage like Heidegger, with our eyes pointed towards the infinite vastness of the surrounding horizon, or even better, towards the inner, primordial temple of mind, usually we are focused on worldly affairs, businesses, duties and tasks, deterring us from the contemplative capacity of our life. Practising metaphysics is the intellectual equivalent of mountaineering, leading to similar peak experiences, uncomparable inner vistas, irreplaceable mental belvederes. Intellectual summits embodied in the chefs-d’oeuvre of philosophy are analogous to mountain ranges that we all attempt to klättra when we undertake the study of the textual tradition of philosophising. Philosophical textbooks are nothing else than guidebooks and mountain maps, descriptions of paths hithert
Twins Philosophically Separated at Birth? A Review of Groundless Ground: A Study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger
- Tom Strong Werklund School of Education University of Calgary
Wittgenstein, Heidgegger, Postfoundationalism, ReviewAbstract
I review Lee Braver's recent "Groundless grounds: A study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger", relating its key ideas to a postfoundationalist and interpretive approach to science and practice.Author Biography
Tom Strong, Werklund School of Education University of Calgary
Tom Strong is a Professor and counsellor-educator at the University of Calgary who researches and writes on the collaborative, critically-informed and practical potentials of discursive
Improvisation as Original Ethics: Exploring the Ethical in Heidegger and Gadamer from a Musical Perspective
- Sam McAuliffe Monash University
Martin Heidegger famously claimed that ethics needed to become “original” again, but offered no detailed insight into what an “original ethics” might be. Several commentators, however, find evidence of such an original ethics in the philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer. In this paper I argue that an original ethics, as alluded to by Heidegger and taken up by Gadamer, depends upon a certain improvisational comportment, such that acting ethically involves spontaneously attending and responding to that which one encounters in factical existence. To substantiate this claim, I draw upon improvised musical performance as an exemplar, highlighting how the responsiveness at issue in