Emir abdelkader biography
Emir Abdelkader
Algerian religious and military leader (–)
For the song, see Abdel Kader (song). For the Palestinian nationalist, see Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni.
Abd al-Qadir ibn Muhyi al-Din (6 September – 26 May ; Arabic: عبد القادر ابن محي الدينʿAbd al-Qādir ibn Muḥy al-Dīn), known as the Emir Abdelkader or Abd al-Qadir al-Hassani al-Jaza'iri, was an Algerian religious and military leader who led a struggle against the French colonial invasion of Algiers in the early 19th century. As an Islamic scholar and Sufi who unexpectedly found himself leading a military campaign, he built up a collection of Algerian tribesmen that for many years successfully held out against one of the most advanced armies in Europe. His consistent regard for what would now be called human rights, especially as regards his Christian opponents, drew widespread admiration, and a crucial intervention to save the Christian community of Damascus from a massacre in brought honours and awards from aro
Emir Abdelkader al-Jazairi
Emir Abdelkader al-Qadir al-Jazairi () was a venerated Algerian Islamic scholar and a military leader who led a collective resistance against the mid-nineteenth century French colonial invasion of Algeria. He is remembered today as one of the nineteenth century’s most inspiring leaders for his humane treatment of Christian opponents during Algeria’s anti-colonial struggle and for leading an intervention to rescue the Christian community in Damascus from certain massacre in the midst of sectarian riots in
Raised in his father’s zawiya, he excelled as a student, memorizing the Qur’an by the age of 14, and studying the Islamic religious sciences as well as subjects such as philosophy, medicine, and mathematics. He was especially known as a gifted orator who outshone his peers in the recitation of poetry and in delivering religious talks. His father, a notable spiritual leader affiliated with the Qadiriyya order, recognized his son’s precociousness, and c
The Compassionate Warrior: Abd El-Kader of Algeria
Reviewed by Edith Campbell
Review Source:Cotton Quilts
Book Author:Elsa Marston
Marston combines her love of scholarship and of young adult literature as she writes about Emir Abdel Kader. At times, she speaks directly to her audience in a tone that guides them as they learn more, not only about this brilliant and compassionate leader but, also about Algeria. France’s relationship with the country was just beginning as Algeria struggled to eventually become a unified nation. Their relationship was complex and interpreted differently through the lens of each of the cultures.
Marston provides only what she could document, resulting in a book that fryst vatten a rare historical document. I think young adults would be more engagerad in a story that included more about the Emir’s anställda and family life, however this books focuses more on his political accomplishments along with the country’s development. Readers gain insights not only in