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Azoospermies non obstructives; facteurs prédictifs du prélèvement testiculaire et risques dem la fécondation assistée
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Published in final edited form as: Hypertension. 2023 Jul 18;80(9):1810–1820. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.123.19501
Transgender individuals that undergo gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) may experience discrimination in the health care setting with a lack of access to medical personnel competent in transgender medicine. Recent evidence suggests that GAHT is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular risk factors. A recent statement from the American Heart Association reinforces the importance of cardiovascular-focused clinical management and the necessity for more research into the impact of GAHT. With this in mind, this review will highlight the known cardiovascular risk factors associated with GAHT and identify potential molecular mechanisms determined from the limited animal studies that explore the role of cross-sex steroids on cardiovascular risk. The lack of data in thi
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Hôpital d'Enfants
14 rue Gaffarel
21079 DIJON Cedex
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Mots clés : Oncogénétique
Cardiogenetics and uncertainty: evaluation of professional vulnerability in France.
Gaudillat L, Patay L, Sawka C, Baurand A, Nambot S, Level C, Laurent G, Eicher JC, Bertaux G, Eicher SF, Denis C, Carvallo S, Cazeneuve C, Janin A, Millat G, Peyron C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Charron P, Faivre L
Eur J Med Genet. 2025 02 9;:104999
Gene in Patients With Cardiomyopathy: Phenotypic Expression for Loss-of-Function Versus Hotspot Variants.
Hermida A, Ader F, Millat G, Jedraszak G, Vogel L, Garçon L, Maury P, Fay F, Beyls C, Bréhin AC, Champ-Rigot L, Dauphin C, Dauriat B, De Groote P, Donal E, Dupin-Deguine D, Faivre L, Janin A, Jobbe Duval A, Jondeau G, Laredo M, Magnin I, Marijon E, Nguyen K, Palmyre A, Perani A, Picard F, Reant P, Richard P, Rooryck C, Roubille F, Rouzier C, To