Chen jiang hong biography books

  • Chen Jiang Hong was born in Tianjin, China, where he studied fine art at the School of Arts before completing his postgraduate education at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.
  • 4.6 out of 5 stars ; Little EagleLittle Eagle ; The Legend of the Kite: A Story of China (Make Friends Around.
  • Looking for books by Chen Jiang Hong?
  • Io e Mao

    April 12, 2021
    È la primavera del 1966 in una grande città nel nord della Cina e si gioca in cortile, tra i fiori e i panni stesi lungo gli alberi. Facciamo conoscenza della quotidianità di un bambino sensibile, creativo e determinato.
    Fino alle ultime pagine, non sappiamo che il bambino altro non è che l'illustratore in persona, il quale ci narra, attraverso il filtro dei ricordi, la Rivoluzione ai tempi di Mao.
    Le illustrazioni sono cariche di emotività; con pennellate decise di china dai colori poco saturi, Chen Jiang Hong lascia alla nostra vista la capacità di rievocare situazioni e sensazioni.
    Come fossimo anche noi bambini curiosi, assaporiamo una dimensione sociale e culturale fatta di ravioli preparati dalla nonna, di incontri in piazza, di lunghe attese per prendere l'autobus, di notti in una camera spoglia assieme ai propri nonni e fratelli.
    Ci si pone domande di vario genere, sulla quotidianità di un bambino cinese negli anni Sessanta, sulla sua famiglia e sulle
  • chen jiang hong biography books
  • Mao and Me: The Little Red Guard

    "In a city in the north of China in the middle of the 1960s, a little boy lived an ordinary life, similar to that of many Chinese children. He lived with his parents, grandparents, and two sisters in a small apartment. He watched his grandfather practice T'ai Chi and his grandmother cook. He loved to draw, but since his family didn't have any money for paper, he drew on the floor with a pencil. One day, Chairman Mao proclaimed the Cultural Revolution. It was the beginning of a terrible, yet glorious period. Every day, horrible things occurred, and yet the entire country, led by its youth, maintained its faith in its leader. The little boy of this book is Chen Jiang Hong, who has written and illustrated many books for children. It is through his eyes that we learn about his family and bear witness to a truly terrible period of recent history. This is Chen's first book about his childhood, and he wrote it to give children all over the world the ch

    Mao and Me - Hardcover


    Skipping Stone Award 2010

    Selected for the 2009/2010 Great Lakes Great Books Award ballot for grades 6 8.

    Editor's Choice Award, Library Media Connection

    "Chen Jiang Hong was a small boy when this tumultuous period began, and in these illustrated pages he captures the bewildering cruelties wreaked on the people of his neighborhood in a nordlig Chinese city. [...] What makes this memoir especially interesting - and thought-provoking - fryst vatten the way Chen conveys the consuming political hysteria of the time: Having witnessed the awful acts on Mao's cultural chock troops, the boy was nonetheless thrilled when, at 8, he was finally old enough to wear the handledsdekor of the Little Red Guard." - Meghan Cox Gurdon, The Wall Street Journal

    In its överlägsen kvalitet eller utmärkt prestation in representing political upheaval through the eyes of a child, this book belongs next to Peter S�s’s The Wall; in its directness, next to the work of Allen Say. The indefatigable energy of Chen