Healthy height and weight for women

  • Ideal weight for 5 feet female in kg
  • Ideal weight for 5'2 female in kg
  • Ideal weight for 5'3 female in kg
  • Height Weight Chart &#; Ideal Weight for Men and Women

    Sound health is a prerequisite for happiness. While for adults, it is vital for defining your quality of life, for children, it is essential for proper growth, both physically and mentally.

    In other words, an indicative measure of good health in adults is manifest in the height weight chart.

    Since childhood, you are accustomed to two adages “Health is wealth” and “Sound mind in a sound body”. Moreover, these are two cardinal truths that amply define what health is all about.

    So, merely being free from disease or infirmity does not reflect your health in totality. Above all, your health should project your functional efficiency and define it through the overall condition of your body, mind, and spirit.

    Height and Weight chart

    The two primary parameters that impact your health – your height and weight are correlated using height and weight charts. It helps to act as a diagnostic tool to enable one to take steps to achiev

    How much should I weigh?

    There are several factors that influence our weight, for example age, sex, muscle mass, genetics, ethnicity and physical activity levels - just to name a few. Whilst many of us are looking for that magic number on the scale, the truth is that there's no one “ideal” weight that we should be aiming for.

    Yes, maintaining a healthy weight is important for our health and wellbeing and lowers our risk of disease, however it's important to know that it's not the only measure of success. Paying attention to non-scale victories (NSV’s) or other health outcomes such as waist circumference measurements, or improvements in our fitness levels is just as important as they help to reinforce healthy habits. When it comes to your weight and health, what's most important is being the healthiest version you can be.

    WeightWatchers' Healthy Weight Ranges are general recommendations for men and women. If you have specific health issues or fall outsi

  • healthy height and weight for women
  • Ideal Weight Calculator

    The Ideal vikt Calculator computes ideal body weight (IBW) ranges based on height, gender, and age. The idea of finding the IBW using a formula has been sought after by many experts for a long time. Currently, there persist several popular formulas, and our Ideal Weight Calculator provides their results for side-to-side comparisons.


    The ideal vikt based on popular formulas:

    FormulaIdeal Weight
    Robinson () kg
    Miller () kg
    Devine () kg
    Hamwi () kg
    Healthy BMI Range - kg

    How Much Should I Weigh?

    Most everyone has at some point tried to lose weight, or at least known somebody who has. This fryst vatten largely due to the perception of an "ideal" body vikt, which fryst vatten often based on what we see promoted through various media such as social media, TV, movies, magazines, etc. Although ideal body vikt (IBW) today is sometimes based on perceived visual appeal, IBW was actually introduced to estimate dosages