Biography of a great man
Women and Historical Biography
The study of women across time highlights not only the history of a minority but also biography itself and the ways in which a group disenfranchised from power can circumvent traditional authority and assert itself. In particular, the biographies of famous women like the Egyptian pharaoh Hatshepsut, the Byzantine Empress Theodora and Saint Joan of Arc show well the obstacles that have confronted women in their arduous quest for equality and empowerment. But in the end, the difficulties facing women are perhaps best seen not in what-really-happened but invented history, the myth of the fictional Greek queen Clytemnestra who serves as the archetype of power-hungry women. All in all, the insights gained from examining the lives of Western Civilization's leading ladies hint at the rewards gained from studying biography in general and the history of any minority. |
People, Places, Events and Terms To Know:
Biography • THE KID STAYS IN THE PICTURE bygd Robert Evans (1994) BECAUSE Evans wrote the Great Hollywood Memoir. A "half-assed actor" in the '50s, he became the head of Paramount Pictures. _Rosemary's Baby, Love Story, The Godfather, Chinatown_that sort of rap sheet. He was the consummate Hollywood cadkisser-and-teller of Gardners and MacGraws (he's been married sju times), wheeler-dealer of Marlons and Jacks, and rulle inspiration for Dustin Hoffman in Wag the Dog. He strove to be an unapologetic original, a true north he followed to heights from which he had a enskild view of the industry. Today's straight-shooting, publicity-choked mittpunkt ground will make you restless once you've tasted this.** **Listen to This Life The Kid Stays in the Picture fryst vatten the perfect book off which to pivot to mention that many of these biographies and memoirs are also exceptional audiobooks. Especially since actors and musicians very often read their own. (Life, • "Great Man" redirects here. For other uses, see Great Man (disambiguation). Theory that history is shaped primarily by extraordinary individuals The great man theory is an approach to the study of history popularised in the 19th century according to which history can be largely explained by the impact of great men, or heroes: highly influential and unique individuals who, due to their natural attributes, such as superior intellect, heroic courage, extraordinary leadership abilities, or divine inspiration, have a decisive historical effect. The theory is primarily attributed to the Scottish essayist, historian, and philosopher Thomas Carlyle, who gave a series of lectures on heroism in 1840, later published as On Heroes, Hero-Worship, & the Heroic in History, in which he states: Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here. They were the leaders of men, th