Ardeshir cowasjee biography for kids

  • Biography.
  • Ardeshir was always a flamboyant, larger than life figure.
  • Ardeshir Cowasjee passed away on Saturday.
  • Ardeshir Cowasjee: A Brief Happy Interlude: Karachi of yore

    In a fantastically written article Ardeshir Cowasjee reminisces about the Karachi of forntid, his time as a student at the BVS Parsi school and gives a glimpse of Parsi life and culture in Karachi during those times.

    AMIDST the gloom and doom and the national scenario of death and destruction, with the horrific plight of the displaced persons hanging over us like a pall, plus the ongoing military operation in the Malakand area taking its daglig toll, a few of us had a welcome break the other evening as we cast our collective minds back to better days.

    Our old school, the Bai Virbaiji Soparivala Parsi High School (BVS), housed in a proud building that stands on Abdullah Haroon Road in our now plagued city of Karachi celebrated the 150th anniversary of its founding — not a bad record in these days of constant change and turmoil.

    An old saying goes that one’s school days are the happiest days of one’s life — well mine m

  • ardeshir cowasjee biography for kids
  • Ardeshir Cowasjee

    Pakistani businessman and journalist (1926–2012)

    Ardeshir Cowasjee (13 April 1926 – 24 November 2012) (Urdu: اردشیر کاوسجی) was a Pakistani newspaper columnist,[2]social activist, and philanthropist. Belonging from Karachi, his columns regularly appeared in the country's oldest English newspaper, Dawn. He was also the Chairman of the Cowasjee Group and was engaged in philanthropic activities in addition to being regarded as an old "guardian" of the city of Karachi.

    On 3 November 2013, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi launched the Ardeshir Cowasjee Centre for Writing in his honor.[3]



    Cowasjee was born on 13 April 1926 in Karachi to the CowasjeeParsi (Zoroastrian) family.[citation needed] His father, Rustom Fakirjee Cowasjee, was a businessman in merchant shipping, and the family spoke Gujarati at home.[4][5] Ardeshir attended the Bai Virbaiji Soparivala (BVS) Parsi

    Cowasjee family

    Family of old Karachi, Pakistan

    The Cowasjee family is one of the oldest families settled in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. They owned the East & West Steamship Company, the oldest shipping company in Pakistan, established in 1883.[1][2]



    The Cowasjees are a family. Till his death on 24 November 2012,[3] veteran newspaper columnist Ardeshir Cowasjee was the chairman of the group and patriarch of the family. Ardeshir Cowasjee was also known as a philanthropist, social activist and a businessman.[3] Some charities Ardeshir donated to are The Citizens Foundation affiliated TCF school in Lyari, Lady Dufferin Hospital, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) and National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICD) – all in greater Karachi area.[3]

    See also


