Esther rudomin hautzig autobiography
Esther Hautzig Papers
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Scope and Contents
The Esther Hautzig Papers contain research notes, typescripts, dummies, galleys, page proofs, blues, and correspondence related to On the Air: Behind the Scenes at a TV Newscast, published in The papper also include twenty-three boxes of fan mail received from children around the world, mostly related to her autobiography, The Endless Steppe. The Esther Hautzig Papers are organized into four series: book, fan mail, conference materials, and letters sent.
The material in the book series fryst vatten arranged chronologically by beställning of creation when known. It includes research notes and clippings, books and taped interviews used for research, teleprompter scripts, weather maps, typescripts, galleys, page proofs, and blues. Among the typescripts is an alternate utgåva of the book written by photographer and son, David Hautzig.
The fan mail series includes letters and artwork received
Hautzig, Esther Rudomin (Esther Rudomin)
Born October 18, , in Vilna, Poland (now Vilnius, Lithuania); immigrated to United States in , naturalized U.S. citizen in ; daughter of Samuel and Chaja (Cunzer) Rudomin; married Walter Hautzig (a concert pianist), September 10, ; children: Deborah Margolee, David Rudomin. Education: Attended Hunter College (now Hunter College of the City University of New York), Religion: Jewish.
Home P.O Box , Spencertown, NY ; West End Ave., #8-D, New York, NY
Writer, publicist. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, NY, secretary, ; Children's Book Council, New York, NY, publicity assistant, ; Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York, NY, director of children's book promotion, , consultant, ; freelance children's book consultant, New York, NY, . Three-time speaker at the Summer Institutes of the Children's Literature Center, Simmons College, Boston, MA; lecturer and speaker on writing, reading, and bookmaking at many school
Remember who You are: Stories about Being Jewish
Esther Hautzig was born on October 18, During World War II, her family was exiled from Poland to Siberia, where they worked in labor camps. In , she traveled via ocean liner to New York on a student visa. While aboard the ocean liner, she met the Vienna-born pianist Walter Hautzig, who was returning from a concert tour. They married in She enrolled in Hunter College, but never finished because a professor there told her that her accent would disqualify her from becoming a teacher. She took a job as a secretary at the publisher G. P. Putnam's Sons and later was promoted to children's books. During her lifetime she wrote numerous books including Let's Cook without Cooking (), Let's Make Presents (), A Gift for Mama (), Remember Who You Are: Stories About Being Jewish (), Riches () and A Picture of Grandmother (). The Endless Steppe: Growing Up in Siberia () won the Jane Addams Children's Book Award and the Lewis Carroll Shelf A