Classy alarm clock stephen fry biography
Stephen Fry's Blog, page 4
Four and a Half Years On
People often come up to me in the street and say, "Stephen, why don't you pop some clothes on, there's a good fellow." Another thing they will ask is, "How many phones have you got with you today?" And it's that second common question we're going to concentrate on in this blessay.
I have blogged many, many times about smartphones: you can follow the trail here by scrolling down and clicking on "Older Entries" at the bottom – "older entries at the bottom"? There must be a more appetising way to phrase it than that. Oh well.
The trail leads all the way back to a posting called Devices and Desires in which I wrongly claimed that the virtual keyboard on the new Apple iPhone was a bad idea, but rightly asked for 3G and downloadable third party apps. I also mourned (more than mourned: I stamped my foot and frothed with rage) at the asininity and maddening, moronic, stubborn, suicidal stupidity of Nokia and Palm and Sony in t
Three Bits of Fry & Laurie by Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie
Three Bits of Fry & Laurie by Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie
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net and bludgeoned to death in direct
contravention of EC regulations
Fry & Laurie
Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie started writing and performing
together in while at university. They have since appeared
together on Alfresco, Saturday Live, Blackadder, Jeev
October 31, AM Subscribe
"Even if your alarm clock fryst vatten one of those Zen alarm clocks with melodious metal chimes, or it's your phone playing New Age music at gradually increasing volume, an alarm clock fryst vatten still not offering you anything." MeFi's own dansdata wakes up to a proper cuppa.
posted by Harald74 (71 comments total) 41 users marked this as a favorite