Maulana rashid ahmad gangohi biography sample

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  • Some rulings of Islām change based on a individ being in a Muslim-governed territory or “Dār al-Islām” or in a non-Muslim governed territory or “Dār al-Ḥarb”. What constitutes a Dār al-Islām or Dār al-Ḥarb fryst vatten therefore a vitally important question of Fiqh.

    In the context of British-rule in 19th century India, Mawlānā Rashīd Aḥmad Gangohī* (1244-1323/1829-1905) provides a detailed answer to this question. There is in particular some misunderstanding over the position of Imām Abū Ḥanīfah. Hence, Mawlānā Gangohī outlines the principle used to designate a region as Dār al-Islām or Dār al-Ḥarb, clarifies the view of Imām Abū Ḥanīfah and then applies the principle to the context of British India.** A translation of his answer is provided below.

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    * Mawlānā Rashīd Aḥmad Gangohī is known as Imām Rabbānī, the greatest spiritual guide, mentor, faqīh and muḥaddith amongst the senior founders of Deoband. He was born in Gangoh a city of Saharanpur district in 1829. His father

    Tazkiratur Rasheed - Biography of Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi r.a.

    From amongst these great luminaries of Deoband, in the frontline was Hadhrat Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi Shb رحمه اللہ . Hadhrat Maulana’s birthplace is Gangoh. Gangoh is an old village situated approximately 16 miles from Saharanpur, which has been the birthplace of many a devout Saint (Awliyāh Allah). Maulana Rasheed Ahmad shb رحمه اللہ was born on the sixth of Dhul Qa’dah 1244 A.H.( 10 May 1829) Hadhrat Maulana is of the lineage of Hadhrat Ayyūb Ansari رضي الله عنه .

    He obtained his initial education in Gangoh, after which he travelled to Delhi to quench his thirst of knowledge. Together with Hadhrat Ml Qāsim Nānotwi رحمه اللہ  he presented himself at the service of Hadhrat Ml Mamlūk Ali shb رحمه اللہ . From thereon, these two illustrious pinnacles of virtue and knowledge remained companions until death (Hadhrat Ml Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi P and Ml Qasim Nanotwi رحمه اللہ  were the original visionaries of Dar

    By Ḥaḍrat Shaykh Muḥammad Zakariyyā Kāndhlawi

    Translated by Shoaib A. Rasheed[1]

    Click here to download a PDF version of this article: The Academic Education and Spiritual Training of Hadrat Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi

    Maulana Rashīd Aḥmad Gangōhi (1826-1905) was an important figure in the history of Deoband. He was one of the college’s founding members, as well as its second patron (sarparast). In the realm of Sufism, he was responsible for setting the boundaries of acceptable practices within Deobandi Sufism. He was one of the two major transmitters of the Chishti-Ṣābiri line through Ḥājī Imdādullāh, the other being Maulana Ashraf ʿAlī Thānwi who himself was greatly influenced by Maulana Gangōhi’s thought. The Deobandi School is often unfairly accused of being against Sufism, and accusation that is strange when one considers that all of its most important figures were Sufi masters, usually subscribing themselves to Chishti-Ṣābiri order. In reality, the Deobandis were critical of spe

  • maulana rashid ahmad gangohi biography sample