Vania masias biography

  • Vania Masías Málaga is a Peruvian dancer and choreographer.
  • Vania Masías Málaga (born 3 January 1979) is a Peruvian dancer and choreographer.
  • Peruvian dancer, ballerina, and choreographer who is best recognized for having founded the D1 Asociacion Cultural in Peru.
  • Graduate faculty

    Abbasi, Behroozba@unr.eduMining and Metallurgical EngineeringMining EngineeringAbboud Holbrook, Miamiaholbrook@unr.eduCriminal JusticeCriminal JusticeAbernathy, Tammytammy@unr.eduOffice of the ProvostSpecial EducationAdams, Britnibritnia@unr.eduCriminal JusticeCriminal JusticeAdams, Deanvdadams@unr.eduCivil and Environmental EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringAgarwal, Shaileshsagarwal@med.unr.eduPharmacologyCellular & Molecular Pharmacology & PhysiologyAguirre, Matthewmaguirre@unr.eduGraduate SchoolGraduate SchoolAguirre, Michaelmichaelaguirre@unr.eduHistoryHistoryAhn, Mihyemahn@unr.eduMathematics and StatisticsMathematics and Statistics, NeuroscienceAiyar, Anakaaaiyar@unr.eduEconomicsEconomicsAkin, Elizabetheakin@unr.eduPharmacologyCellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, NeuroscienceAkpi

    Vol. 18 No. 10 (2024)


    • Urban Sustainability and the Use of Indicators: a Case Study in Águas Claras/ Federal District/ Brazil

    • The Role of Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Brain Metastases

    • Analysis of Economic Growth in The Southern Regions of Peru, 2019-2021

    • Refractory Bricks Characterization Manufactured from Geopolymers Based on Volcanic Ash

    • Microalgae and Cyanobacteria in the Biological Treatment of Effluents

    • Adjustment of Empirical Models For Adsorptive Systems Used in Wastewater Treatment With the Presence of Azo Dyes

    • Access to Essential Utilities by The Bottom of The Pyramid (BoP) Population in Colombia

    • Sustainability in education and environmental health to prevent Aedes spp: A Literature Review

    • Access to Ict Services in Houses at the Base of the Pyramid in Venezuela

    • Purchase Behavior by Region in Distribu
    • vania masias biography
    • To present to the public the research carried out in Aurélien Roux’s lab, PhD lärjunge Vania Macias Calvo wrote a poetic text that one discovers with joy! An unusual approach to communicate about science which was presented during the Nuit des Musées 2022. Get inspired!



      Have you ever asked yourself about when something starts and when it ends?
      Maybe you had thought about that when you met someone new or when you were deciding about quitting that job.
      Have you questioned yourself about where things början and end?
      Maybe they come to your mind, such problematic frontiers.
      Why are we discussing this, and what do all when and where questions have in common?
      Well, you have come across the concept of “the limit”.

      The limit is the notion that represents how far a thing can go,
      and at the same time, it defines the very thing.
      It is a maximum and a minimum.
      It fryst vatten a bounda