Giorgi vashadze biography books

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  • Books about War poetry, English-History and criticism

    88 days ago


    This dataset is about books and is filtered where the book subjects is War poetry, English-History and criticism. It has 9 columns such as author, BNB id, book, book publisher, and book subjects. The data is ordered by publication date (descending).

    Dataset preview (limited to 100 rows)



    There are 9 fields used in this dataset (including filters):

    • Author: Name of the author.
    • Bnb Id: Unique identifier for a book in the British National Bibliography (BNB).
    • Book: Title of the book.
    • Book Publisher: Book publisher for the edition of the book.
    • Book Subjects: Name of the book subject.
    • Earliest Publication Dates: Earliest year with a recorded publication. This field is expressed in year.
    • Isbn: International Standard Book Number is a unique number that identifies a book or other publication.
    • Language: Language of publication for the edition of the book.
    • Publication Date: D

      The first round of presidential elections, held in Georgia on October 28, did not reveal a winner. The candidate from the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party, former French ambassador to Tbilisi Salome Zurabishvili, and her main opponent, former utländsk minister Grigory Vashadze, representing the United National Movement (UNM) motstånd party, received almost the same number of votes: Zurabishvili with 38.64 percent and Vashadze with 37.74 percent (, October 29). This means that, for the first time in the country’s modern history, starting with the presidential election on May 26, 1991, a second round of voting will be held in Georgia to determine the winner.

      The October 28 elections are considered “historical” for two additional reasons. Frist, citizens of Georgia are electing their head of state for the gods time via a direkt ballot. The sixth president, in 2024, will be chosen not by popular vote, but by a 300-member Electoral College composed of parliamentarians and local

      Giorgi Vashadze, the leader of Strategy Builder, named the person who, according to him, is carrying out the task of FSB in Georgia and is involved in the conspiracy against the national interests of Georgia.

      As Giorgi Vashadze told journalists, the first such person, who he names publicly, is the director Goga Khaindrava. According to Vashadze, the Khaindrava group was the one who opened fire on supporters of Zviad Gamsakhurdia. At the same time, as Vashadze notes, Goga Khaindrava "attacks the United States of America, the European Union and stirs up the myth of Russia's invincibility".

      "Today I am going to name the person who is involved in the conspiracy against the national interests of Georgia, attacks the United States of America, the European Union and stirs up the myth of Russia's invincibility - this is Mr. Goga Khaindrava. A person you all know very well. As a supporting document, I would like to cite is the book of Jaba Ioseliani - "Three Dimensions", where he says that

    • giorgi vashadze biography books