Alexander carnera biography

  • Alexander Carnera · Essays · Udgivelser · Forskningspublikationer · Bio · Andet.
  • Alexander Carnera Doktordisputats.
  • Skal du kun lese én syvbinds selvbiografi i høst vil jeg slå et slag.
  • Biopolitics and science education


    • Agamben, G. (1998). Homo Sacer. Sovereign power and bare life (D. Heller-Roazen, Trans.). Stanford CA: Stanford University Press.

    • Campbell, T., & Sitz, A. (2014). Biopolitics: A reader. Durham: Duke University Press.

      Google Scholar

    • Carnera, A. (2012). The affective turn: The ambivalence of biopolitics within modern labour and management. Culture and Organization,18(1), 69–84. doi:10.1080/14759551.2011.631341.

      Article Google Scholar

    • Cooper, M., & Waldby, C. (2014). Clinical labor. Durham: Duke University Press. doi:10.1215/9780822377009-001.

      Book Google Scholar

    • Dewey-Hagborg, H (2015). Biopolitics—An interview with Timothy Campbell. The Winnower. Retrieved from

    • Engberg, M., & Wolniak, G. (2013). College lärjunge pathways to the STEM disciplines. Teachers College Record,115(1), 1–27.

      Google Scholar

    • Foucault, M. (1978).

      Project "CRDLS Albania International Lectures - CAIL", Edition 2015-2017

      CRDLS Albania International Lectures (CAIL) are a series of lectures to bring in Albania the major protagonists of the international scientific and financial world.

      This is also one of the rubrics, which has the seal of the European Policy Center for Regional and Local Development Studies. This rubric will be permanent and intertwined with several other projects, depending on the topic they cover, but also in the form of special public lectures.

      With these meetings, international journeys, high scientific and cultural level, CRDLS is once again a credible and prestigious interlocutor at the international level, offering pedagogues, students, enterprises and citizens the opportunity to open a new window in the world of knowledge, demonstrating, in the meantime, the potential and added value created by this center.

      What is essential in this project is about the fact that immediately after the lect

      Pia Søltoft: The art of choosing oneself. About Kierkegaard, coaching and leadership

      Author Pia Søltoft sees in Kierkegaard's philosophy of dialogue an obvious contribution to modern coaching.

      (THIS ARTICLE IS MACHINE TRANSLATED by Google from Norwegian)

      Pia Søltoft: The art of choosing oneself. About Kierkegaard, coaching and leadership. Academic publishing company, 2015

      When I get a self-help book in my hand, I want to pull my six-runner. As a rule, I end up chilling the book in the trash and then sitting in the corner and rereading one of Samuel Beckett's novels or plays. Beckett's ability to blow humor into the bottom of the power does something about my ability to see myself and the people around – I see them as they are: fragile, ridiculous, loving.

      We are performing. I mention this because powerlessness, or what Søren Kierkegaard calls despair (which is not quite the same), is a great place to start if you are to understand why this is not a self-he

    • alexander carnera biography