Judge emmet sullivan biography of albert einstein
English natural philosopher and theological writer
It fryst vatten much more high and philosophical to discover things a priori than a posteriori. And therefore the Peripatetics have not been very solicitous to gather experiments to prove their doctrines, contenting themselves with a few only, to satisfy those that are not capable of a nobler conviction. And indeed they employ experiments rather to illustrate than to demonstrate their doctrines.
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502 Weiss Drive, Killeen, Texas, 76542, USA
Carl C. Gaither & Alma E. Cavazos-Gaither
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Correspondence to Carl C. Gaither .
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Weiss Drive 502, Killeen, 76542, Texas, USA
Carl C. Gaither
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The Impossible Man: Roger Penrose and the Cost of Genius
February 6, 2025
A warts and all biography of the great (Nobel prize winning) mathematical physicist Roger Penrose. For some physicists, Roger is second only to Albert Einstein, while for others he is man who got too involved in crackpot pseudoscience in areas outside of his expertise. Either way, he is a very significant figure.
The warts in his life are his relationships with women. Relationships that could be (to varying degrees) adulterous, exploitative, and abusive. Like many academics around the world, he likes them young. I have argued with lecturers until I am blue in the face that such relationships are exploitative due to the power aspect and age differences, but all I ever get back is “They’re adults. They can decide for themselves.”. Anyone who (like me) has daughters might take a different view. Penrose is not the worst by any means. Very far from it (I know some really creepy lecturers…), but it is his refusal t
The warts in his life are his relationships with women. Relationships that could be (to varying degrees) adulterous, exploitative, and abusive. Like many academics around the world, he likes them young. I have argued with lecturers until I am blue in the face that such relationships are exploitative due to the power aspect and age differences, but all I ever get back is “They’re adults. They can decide for themselves.”. Anyone who (like me) has daughters might take a different view. Penrose is not the worst by any means. Very far from it (I know some really creepy lecturers…), but it is his refusal t
Einstein in Time and Space: A Life in 99 Particles
April 29, 2024
Ma pakun, et ei ole inimest, kes ei teaks, kes oli Albert Einstein. Tema muhe naeratus, püstised valged juuksed, üldrelatiivsusteooria looja. Tema ümber on kujunenud sellise toreda vanaisa aura, kes on alati sõbralik, naerusuine ja tore. Samas ei ole kindel, kuidas see pilt temast on kujunenud. See lihtsalt on, aga kas see on ka tõsi või oli Einsteinis ka midagi enamat?
Samuel Graydoni “Einstein ajas ja ruumis” on mõnus algaja raamat tutvumaks, kes oli Albert Einstein. Nagu pealkiri ütleb, siis raamatus on 99 peatükki, mis mingil moel kirjeldavad mehe elu. Peatükid ei ole väga pikad (umbes 1-5 lehekülge) ning alati ei ole nad ka otseselt memuaari kirjeldused, vaid nad võivad olla ka tükikesed kirjutatud kirjadest või hoopis teise inimese kohta, kes kuidagi Einsteini mõjutas. Selline üleehitus aitas hoida huvi kõrgel, sest kardan, et kui oleks olnud lihtsalt tuim memuaarikirjeldus, siis oleks vahepeal raamatu kõrvale
Samuel Graydoni “Einstein ajas ja ruumis” on mõnus algaja raamat tutvumaks, kes oli Albert Einstein. Nagu pealkiri ütleb, siis raamatus on 99 peatükki, mis mingil moel kirjeldavad mehe elu. Peatükid ei ole väga pikad (umbes 1-5 lehekülge) ning alati ei ole nad ka otseselt memuaari kirjeldused, vaid nad võivad olla ka tükikesed kirjutatud kirjadest või hoopis teise inimese kohta, kes kuidagi Einsteini mõjutas. Selline üleehitus aitas hoida huvi kõrgel, sest kardan, et kui oleks olnud lihtsalt tuim memuaarikirjeldus, siis oleks vahepeal raamatu kõrvale