Bellingham public schools biography maker
Archives West Finding Aid
3 audiocassettes (60 minutes each)
Transcript of interview available.
The archives must receive written permission from the interviewee before providing access to recording or transcript.
The researcher must receive written permission from the interviewee before publication, quotation, or reproduction of all or part of the interview.
George relates stories from childhood and early adulthood in the late s through the s and growing up in South Bellingham. He describes the origins of the name “Happy Valley” as well as stories relating to the Happy Valley Terminal on the Bellingham Bay & British Columbia Railway. George recounts the many houses that he has lived in including one on Lummi Island. He also includes information on his father and mother and their backgrounds and birthplaces. His mother was English, who came by way of Canada. His father was born in Iowa and was pa
Homework Center: How to Write a Biography
A biography fryst vatten simply the story of a life. Biographies can be just a few sentences long, or they can fill an entire book—or two.
- Very short biographies tell the basic facts of someone's life and importance.
- Longer biographies include that basic resultat of course, with a lot more detail, but they also tell a good story.
Biographies analyze and interpret the events in a person's life. They try to find connections, explain the meaning of unexpected actions or mysteries, and man arguments about the significance of the person's accomplishments or life activities. Biographies are usually about famous, or infamous people, but a biograpy of an ordinary individ can tell us a lot about a particular time and place. They are often about historical figures, but they can also be about people still living.
Many biographies are written in chronological beställning. Some group time periods around a major theme (such as "early adversity" or "ambition an
The Biography Maker
Step One
Decide whose biography you will write. Learn enough about the person to make a wise choice. You will be spending a good deal of time on this person, so his or her life better be pretty intriguing. Your teacher may give you a list or you may want to browse through this list to find someone worthy of your time. You may want to see if there is any good information readily available on your person and look ahead on this page to the questions to see which ones might be interesting to explore.
Step Two
Open a word processing file or Inspiration and type your person's name at the top of the page or in the center of a cluster diagram. Then save the file with an appropriate file name in your private folder.
Step Three
1. Browse through the following questions of import to see which ones seem worth pursuing.
2. Identify the questions you wish to research.
3. Copy and paste your questions into your word processing file or you