Biography genre characteristics of science fiction film
Science Fiction Genre
As is true for all genres, scholars are divided on the absolute definition of science fiction. There are a myriad of texts set hundreds of years in the future, as well as hundreds of years in the past. Does science fiction always have to be futuristic? What about technology that features steampunk or cyberpunk aspects? Are they ‘science-y’ enough to count as science fiction?
As you can see, the genre poses questions that have no easy or absolute answers. However, there are some characteristics that science fiction texts share, which make for the following ‘loose’ definition of science fiction:
Science fiction narratives highlight an aspect of their world - including characters, events, and premises - that underlines science. Problems and obstacles are overcome by the use of scientifically designed equipment or machinery within the narrative. Even if the science may seem to verge on the ‘fantastic’ (time travel machines,
Film Genres
Biopic (biographical picture; biographical film)
A film that tells the story of the life of a real person, often a well-known monarch, political leader, or artist. Thomas Edison’s Execution of Mary Queen of Scots (US, ) prefigures the genre but perhaps the earliest biopic is Jeanne d’Arc/Joan of Arc (Georges Méliès, France, ). Biopics were popular with audiences in Europe in the early 20th century, including Queen Elizabeth (Henri Desfontaine and Louis Mercanto, France, ), Danton (Dimitri Buchowetski, Germany, ), Anne Boleyn (Ernst Lubitsch, Germany, ), Napoleon (Abel Gance, France, ), and The Private Life of Henry VIII (Alexander Korda, UK, ). Beyond Europe and North America, biopics celebrated anti-colonial figures and continue to do so (seePhilippines, film in). The biopic was a staple of US cinema during the studio period, with some films released between and The work of director William Dieterle, including
Science fiction
Literary genre
"Scifi" redirects here. For other uses, see Science fiction (disambiguation) and Scifi (disambiguation).
Science fiction (sometimes shortened to sci-fi or abbreviated SF) is a genre of speculative fiction which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space utforskning, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. It can explore science and technology in different ways, such as human responses to theoretical new advancements, or the consequences thereof.
Science fiction is related to fantasy, horror, and superhero fiction and contains many subgenres. Its exact definition has long been disputed among authors, critics, scholars, and readers. Subgenres include hard science fiction, which emphasizes scientific accuracy, and soft science fiction, focusing on social sciences. Other notable subgenres are cyberpunk, which explores the interface between technology and society