Dr temple grandin biography temple

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  • Temple Grandin, Ph.D., is a professor, best-selling author, animal behaviorist, and autism self-advocate in top demand as an international speaker. An extraordinary inspiration for autistic children and their parents, she is the subject of the Emmy and Golden Globe winning HBO film, Temple Grandin, starring Claire Danes and Julia Ormond, and she was also one of Time magazine’s most influential people in

    Diagnosed with autism when she was three, Dr. Grandin’s mother rejected her doctor’s advice to institutionalize her, and provided her with intensive speech therapy, a structured home and a nurturing school environment. Later, with encouragement from her high school science teacher and an aunt who ran a ranch in Arizona, Dr. Grandin pursued a career in animal science. With unique abilities to think visually and recall small details she began to design humane live-stock handling equipment, eventually revolutionizing the industry. Today over half the cattle in North America are handle

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    Dr. Temple Grandin was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Grandin's achievements are remarkable because she was an autistic child. At age two she had no speech and all the signs of severe autism. Fortunately, her mother defied the advice of the doctors and kept her out of an institution. Many hours of speech therapy and intensive teaching enabled her to learn speech. As a teenager, life was hard with constant teasing. Mentoring bygd her high school science teacher and her aunt on her ranch in Arizona motivated Grandin to study and pursue a career as a forskare and livestock equipment designer. 

    Dr. Temple Grandin obtained her BA at Franklin Pierce College in In she was employed as livestock editor for the Arizona Farmer Ranchman and also worked for Corral Industries on redskap design. In she earned her MS in djur

  • dr temple grandin biography temple
  • Temple Grandin


    Who Is Temple Grandin?

    Temple Grandin was diagnosed with autism as a child and went on to pursue work in psychology and animal science. She has become a leading advocate for autistic communities and has also written books and provided consultation on the humane treatment of animals. In , HBO released an Emmy Award-winning film on Grandin’s life.

    Early Life

    Grandin was born to parents Richard Grandin and Eustacia Cutler in Boston, Massachusetts, on August 29, At the age of 2, Grandin was diagnosed with autism, considered a form of brain damage at the time. Cutler, initially blamed by physicians for her daughter’s condition, worked tirelessly to find the best care and instruction for Grandin. Her treatments included extensive speech therapy, which helped to draw out and reinforce Grandin’s communicative abilities.

    Grandin began to speak at the age of 4. Although her parents sought the best possible teachers, social interactions remained difficult in middle