Dov frohman biography of michael
Since its publication a little over a year ago, Leadership the Hard Way by Dov Frohman (with Robert Howard) has become the leadership book that the most thoughtful business leaders are talking about.
Management guru Tom Peters terms it that rarest of things: “a truly original book about leadership.”
Former Intel CEO Andy Grove calls author Frohman “the förkroppsligande of leadership” and finds his book so compelling that reading it fryst vatten like “going along for the ride.”
The doyen of leadership studies, Warren Bennis, praises Frohman’s honesty and straight talk, saying “we rarely see this kind of transparency from our leaders.” The result fryst vatten a unique “perspective on leadership that you won’t find anywhere else.”
Leading strategy consultant George Stalk compares the book to “a report from the front by a soldier who is a hero” and calls it “a must-read for leaders in today’s tough and more uncertain economy."
And business and technology thought leader John Seely Brown says simply “I could
Dov Frohman
Dov Frohman, także Dov Frohman-Bentchkowsky (hebr. דב פרוהמן; ur. 28 marca1939 w Amsterdamie) – izraelskidoktorinżynier elektryk i manager. Wynalazca układu EPROM. Pełnił funkcje wiceprezesa firmy Intel, założył i kierował firmą Intel Izrael. Współautor (z Robertem Howardem) książki Leadership the Hard Way (Jossey-Bass, 2008)[1].
[edytuj | edytuj kod]Frohman urodził się pięć miesięcy przed wybuchem II wojny światowej w Amsterdamie. Jego rodzice, polscy Żydzi, przebywali w Holandii od wczesnych lat 30. XX wieku, po wyemigrowaniu z Polski z powodu nasilającego się antysemityzmu. W 1942 roku, wobec rosnącego dla społeczności żydowskiej zagrożenia ze strony nazistowskich władz okupacyjnych Holandii, jego rodzice zdecydowali się przekazać go znajomym z ruchu oporu. Opiekunowie umieścili go u prawosławnej rodziny Van Tilborghs ze Sprang-Capelle w Brabancji Północnej przy granicy z Belgią, dzięki czemu w ukryciu przetrwał wojn
DOV or Dov could refer to:
דב or דוב, a Hebrew male given name meaning "bear", from which the Yiddish name "Ber" (בער) was derived (cognate with "bear") which was common among East European Jews.
[edit]- Dov J. Elkabas (1968), Amsterdam (Dutch) born musician and producer
- Dov Ber of Mezeritch (1700/1704/1710?–1772 OS), second leader and main architect of Hasidic Judaism
- Dov Ber Abramowitz (1860–1926), American Orthodox rabbi and author
- Dov Charney (born 1969), president and chief executive officer of clothing manufacturer American Apparel
- Dov Feigin (1907–2000), Israeli sculptor
- Dov Forman (born 2003), English born Author and social media star
- Dov Frohman (born 1939), Israeli electrical engineer and business executive
- Dov Gabbay (born 1945), logician and professor of logic and computer science
- Dov Groverman (born 1965), Israeli Olympic wrestler
- Dov Grumet-Morris (born 1982), American ice hockey player
- Dov Gruner (1912–1947), Jewish Zionist leader