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Jacques Barzun Biography, Books, and Similar Authors
Jacques Barzun Biography
Born in France on November 30 , historian Jacques Barzun came to the United States in After graduating from Columbia College, he joined the faculty of the university, becoming Seth Low Professor of History and, for a decade, Dean of Faculties and Provost. The author of some thirty books, he received the Gold Medal for Criticism from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, of which he was twice president. On October 18, , he received the 59th Great Teacher Award of the Society of Columbia Graduates.
Barzun died at the age of in
Books by this author
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Jacques Barzun and Friend
When I was young and thought I knew everything, I met a man who actually did know everything. Or so people said. It was , and I was a first-year graduate student in English and comparative literature at Columbia University. On a whim, I took a crossover seminar offered by the history department that dealt with the writing of history and was taught by Professor Jacques Barzun. Barzun had already published 18 books, including The House of Intellect and Berlioz and the Romantic Century, and was famous among students and faculty for his breadth of knowledge. But I hadn’t heard of him. I was big for poetry and novels and books that explained the evolution of poetry and novels. I’d also majored in philosophy and took a prideful interest in such arcana as Frances Yates’s Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition and E. R. Dodds’s The Greeks and the Irrational. So Barzun wasn’t on my radar, and, for the life of me, I don’t know why I signed up for h
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