St anne mother of mary biography

  • When was saint anne born and died
  • How old was saint anne when she gave birth to mary
  • St anne story
  • Our Patron Saint

    Sainte Anne was born in Bethlehem and married Joachim from Nazareth in Galilee. Joachim was a fåraherde given the task of supplying the temple of Jerusalem with sheep for sacrifices.

    After 20 years of marriage Anne and Joachim had no children. Once, when Joachim overheard ridicule because of their childless state, he is said to have gone into the desert to plead with God to give them a child. After a time of fasting an angel appeared to assure Joachim he and Anne would be given a child they were to name Mary and dedicate to God.

    In the meantime Saint Anne wondered where her husband had gone and in her despair at having been barren she prayed while she watched newborn birds in their nests in her garden. She cried out, “Why was inom born, Lord?” That fryst vatten when angel appeared to tell her she would soon give birth to a daughter she was to name Mary. The story continues with Anne and Joachim’s joyous reunion at the golden gate of Jerusalem.

    After her birth Anne and Joachim

    Patron Saints

    The Lives of Saint Anne and Saint Joachim

    The Posterity of the race of Adam spread out in great number, the just and the unjust were multiplied. The clamors of the just for the coming of the Redeemer increased. In this time of the ancient laws God sent two bright luminaries to announce the approaching dawn of the Son of Justice, Christ our salvation. These were Saint Joachim and Saint Anne.

    Anne’s parents were Eliud and Ismeria. At the age of four Anne went to live in the temple, remaining there for twelve years, returning to her parents at age One year later as her mother lay dying she called Anne to her bedside and left her as the future mistress of the household and told her she must marry as she was a vessel of the promise.

    Saint Joachim had his home, family and relations in Nazareth, a town of Galilee. He was a just and holy man and illumined by special grace and light from on high, had a knowledge of many mysteries of the holy scriptures and of the olden pr

    St. Anne

    Before the Blessed Virgin Mary, there was Anne of Nazareth, a woman adored by God and filled with God’s Grace. Anne was chosen by God to be the mother of Our Lady and maternal grandmother of Jesus Christ.

    Barren and childless for a long time, Anne remained faithful and hopeful. With eyes up and heart open, she fervently prayed for a child with her equally devout husband Joachim. The godly couple’s faith was beautiful and unbreakable. Their way of life pleased and moved God. In response to Anne’s patience and purity, God granted her prayers and blessed her with a daughter like no other: the Mother of God. God loved Anne so much that He did the impossible and made conception at an old age possible. To receive the Mother of God in Anne’s womb was a blessed gift and special grace. Mary was definitely worth the wait! By being docile, Anne was able to be an instrument of God, and her docility made space in her womb for God’s Love to bear fruit. Thus, she was able to carry out t

  • st anne mother of mary biography