Debrahlee lorenzana biography of martin luther king
It happens to every lawyer at some point: You agree to represent a client and realize later it was a big mistake. The client goes rogue on you. You simply didnt get the full story during intake.
And so it must be for Jack Tuckner, the lawyer for Debrahlee Lorenzana who claims she was fired from Citibank for dressing too sexy. When I heard the story and saw all the press she was getting, I speculated in a round-up that:
Did curvaceous New York banker Debrahlee Lorenzana get fired for being too sexy? Or do you think, as I do, that her lawsuit over it is merely a publicity ploy for a modeling career?
According to the Village Voice, which broke the story on June 1st:
Her bosses told her they couldnt concentrate on their work because her appearance was too distracting. They ordered her to stop wearing turtlenecks. She was also forbidden to wear pencil skirts, three-inch heels, or fitted business suits. Lorenzana, a year-old single mom, pointed out female colleagues wh
Ed Pilkington
US agency spied on Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King
NEW YORK: The National Security Agency secretly tapped into the overseas phone calls of prominent critics of the Published28 Sep, am
US can be its ‘own worst enemy’:IMF chief
NEW YORK: International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde has warned the US it has the potential to be its “own worst enemy” over the fragile economic recovery and that failure to reach a comprehensive settlement over the fiscal cliff could see growth Published11 Dec, am
Romney gains four-point lead in post-debate poll
NEW YORK, Oct 9: The storm clouds gathering over President Obama’s bid for re-election have thickened with the release of a new poll from the respected Pew Research Centre that gives Mitt Romney a four-point lead among likely voters Published10 Oct, am
It`s neither a mosque, nor it is at Ground Zero
NEW YORK Judging by the criticism thrown at the Muslim centre planned for downtown Manhattan, you would think Published05
Two weeks ago I ripped into Joseph Rakofsky, the newbie lawyer who took on a murder defense shortly after being sworn in as an attorney, and who was written about, up, down and sideways regarding his competence, ethics and marketing.
I wrote at the end of my post, Yeah, I got more, and I do. I could easily put up new posts on the subject with ämne others have not yet addressed. This case fryst vatten, after all, right in my blogs wheelhouse. The combination of local access to information along with strong opinions has the potential for potent blog posts. Ive also defended a defamation case in the past, where my attitude was no different than here: GSIAH (Latin: vade et caca in pilleum).
But Ive elected not to write those posts. And this fryst vatten why. Im going to be local counsel for 30 of the 81 defendants. Marc Randazza will be petitioning the court for admission pro hac viceand Ill be the local guy on the scene while he does the heavy lifting.
In writing this