Joseph gabriel rheinberger biography of christopher columbus
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News of the Month. - November,
Teresina Tua made her début in New York last month and had a most flattering success with the public, although the critics cavil greatly at her style, which is thoroughly French and very brilliant Still another prodigy--young twelve-year-old A. Edwin Farmer, a pupil of Mr. Bowditch Clapp, of Richmond--has been surprising musical people with his excellent renditions of good classical music Miss Lulu Yeling is a young pianist, residing in Boston, who expects to be heard this winter. Read More
Correspondence. - November,
A new prodigy has appeared to dispute the laurels of the nine-year old pianist Josef Hofmann. An eleven-year-old girl, Pauline Ellice, from London Arma Senkrah, who, as all know, is a Boston girl that spells•
Famous Composers and their Works
Transcriber’s Note:
New original cover art included with this eBook is granted to the public domain.
Edited by
John Knowles Paine
Theodore Thomas and Karl Klauser
J. B. Millet Company
Copyright, , by
J. B. Millet Company.
Reproduction of a photograph from life, made in by Mondel & Jacob, in Wiesbaden.Joseph Joachim Raff, was the son of an organist and teacher, Franz Joseph Raff, who early in left the little Würtemberg city of Weisenstetter in the Horb district of the Black Forest to settle in Lachen on the lake of Zurich in the canton Schwyz. Here on May 27 of the same year the boy was born. In his early childhood he displayed that mental ability which does not always fulfill its promise in years of maturity. He was able to translate Homer at the age of seven and generally preferred books to rude outdoor sports. He displayed musical tendencies, too, learning to play t
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