Barack obama campaign biography

  • Who ran against obama in 2012
  • Obama campaign 2012
  • Barack obama campaign strategy
  • Barack Obama: Campaigns and Elections

    Obama’s election to the Senate instantly made him the highest-ranking African American officeholder in the country and, along with the excitement generated by his convention speech and his books (Dreams from my Father, brought back into print, joined The Audacity of Hope on the bestseller list), placed him high on the roster of prospective Democratic presidential candidates in After spending a low-profile first year in office focusing on solidifying his base in Illinois and traveling abroad to buttress his foreign policy credentials as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama spent much of speaking to audiences around the country and mulling whether to run for president. According to annual National Journal evaluations of senators' legislative voting records, Obama ranked as the first, tenth, or sixteenth most liberal member of the Senate, depending on the year.

    Obama announced his presidential candidacy on February 10,

  • barack obama campaign biography
  • U.S. Presidents / Barack Obama

    Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States—becoming the first African American to serve in that office—on January 20,

    The son of a white American mother and a black Kenyan father, Obama grew up in Hawaii. Leaving the state to attend college, he earned degrees from Columbia University and Harvard Law School. Obama worked as a community organizer in Chicago, where he met and married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson in Their two daughters, Malia Ann and Natasha (Sasha), were born in and , respectively. Obama was elected to the Illinois state senate in and served there for eight years. In , he was elected by a record majority to the US Senate from Illinois and, in February , announced his candidacy for president. After winning a closely fought contest against New York Senator and former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic nomination, Obama handily defeated Senator John McCain of Arizona, the Republican nomin

    Barack Obama presidential campaign

    Successful presidential campaign of then-U.S. Senator

    Barack Obama, then junior United States medlem av senat from Illinois, announced his candidacy for president of the United States on February 10, , in Springfield, Illinois.[1] After winning a majority of delegates in the Democratic primaries of , on August 23, leading up to the convention, the campaign announced that Senator Joe Biden of Delaware would be the vice presidential nominee.[2] At the Democratic National Convention on August 27, Barack Obama was formally selected as the Democratic Party nominee for president of the United States in [3] He was the first African American in history to be nominated on a major party ticket.[4] On November 4, , Obama defeated the Republican nominee, Senator John McCain of Arizona, making him the president-elect and the first African American elected president.[5][6]

    Obama was the third sitting U.S.