Vasyl popadiuk biography of william

  • Born in Lviv, Ukraine, Popadiuk has been living in Canada since 1997.
  • We're also thrilled to welcome special guest, the talented violinist Vasyl Popadiuk, who will add his unique flair to the evening!
  • Born in Kyiv Oblast, Chornovil was originally a journalist in newspaper and television before he was fired and sentenced to forced labour due to his dissident.
  • The Ukrainian National Association concluded its 125th anniversary celebrations in the place where they began last year: Shamokin, Pa., the birthplace of this largest and oldest Ukrainian fraternal association. The quasquicentennial – yes, that’s the word for 125th anniversary – encompassed a year’s worth of notable observances.

    On February 22, 2019, a UNA delegation led by President/CEO Stefan Kaczaraj and COO/National Secretary Yuriy Symczyk traveled to Shamokin on the exact date the UNA was founded 125 years earlier. A proclamation presented by Shamokin Mayor John J. Brown and the City Council cited the historic significance of Shamokin “as the birthplace of the Ukrainian National Association – and the foundation of organized community life of Ukrainian Americans in the United States.” A front-page story about the proclamation’s presentation appeared in the local newspaper, The News-Item, the following day.

    The UNA adopted the theme “UNA: Insuring Our Community for 125 Years” f

    The Capital Ukrainian Festival, July 19-21, 2019

    Roman Hruby for New Pathway – Ukrainian News.

    The Fifth Annual Capital Ukrainian Festival will be held in Ottawa on the grounds of the St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine, 952 Green Valley Crescent, from July 19-21, 2019. The Festival Organizing Committee has been hard at work preparing for this year’s event. The 2018 Ukrainian Festival was a resounding success and attracted 30,000 visitors and many federal, provincial and municipal politicians.

    The Festival fryst vatten a nationally recognized celebration of Ukrainian Arts and Culture that engages the community, enriches residents’ lives and draws diverse audiences – making Ottawa one of the premier Ukrainian festival destinations in Canada and one of Ontario’s best festivals.

    Admission to the Festival remains free. Parking is available onsite.

    This year’s Festival will celebrate the culture, music, dance, food and fun that Canadian-Ukrainians enjoy and share with o

  • vasyl popadiuk biography of william
  • Soirée d'ouverture des UA Days : Extravaganza

    Lesya Ukrainka était une écrivaine ukrainienne de premier plan qui a vécu aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Elle était une féministe et une figure de proue du mouvement moderniste dans la littérature ukrainienne. L'œuvre d'Ukrainka a été fortement influencée par différentes périodes et cultures historiques. Ses pièces de théâtre s'inspiraient de l'Ancien Testament, du monde de la Grèce et de la Rome antiques, de l'ère chrétienne primitive et de la période médiévale. En plus de ses pièces de théâtre, Ukrainka a écrit des nouvelles, des essais critiques et des traductions magistrales d'œuvres d'Homère, de William Shakespeare, de Lord Byron et de Victor Hugo.
    « Extravaganza » est un hommage à Lesya Ukrainka et à sa magnifique « Lisova pisnya » (Chanson de la forêt). Lors du festival de Cannes de cette année, Catherine Deneuve a récité son poème « Hope » (Nadiya) pour montrer son soutien à l'Ukraine.

    Perdues dans les mélodies des arbres et des fle