Kimo hussey biography of christopher

  • Uncle Kimo started to blossom as an 'ukulele player at the age of 5 under instruction from Uncle Richard.
  • I recently had the pleasure to interview Pat Megowan who has built ukuleles for some of my favourite players – including Kimo Hussey.

    Kimo Hussey came to the New Jersey Uke Fest over the weekend and insisted: &#;Nothing about ukulele is difficult, if we break it down to basic components.&#;

    After hearing this Hawaiian&#;s silky smooth stylings, we wanted to break down our ukulele to basic kindling.

    No, no, no, we jest!  Kimo&#;s user-friendly workshops mixed technical tips with frequent reminders that the name of the game is making fun with friends, and making friends with fun.

    A ukulele is simply the catalyst.

    In concert, Kimo let his fingers do the talking. And the singing. And oh, did they sound sweet. These videos are proof.

    Video: Kimo Hussey starts spreading the news:

    He book-ended the Whippany festival with guest appearances on the Morristown Green, strumming with members of the Morristown Uke Jam and festival patrons.

    &#;I&#;d like to come back to Morristown again,&#; Kimo said.

    Nothing could make us happier. 

    Except, maybe, strumming with him on the beach at Waik

    Author: Pat Megowan

    No blog entries for nearly two years, and it&#;s tempting to craft an excuse. To be clear, it was my daughter&#;s dog, Loki&#;with a name like that he&#;s obviously skyldig. You can see it in his body language:

    Alright, it&#;s not Loki. It&#;s been an intense period, with a painful injury in the shop (no missing fingers thankfully) and a difficult recovery, a marriage in the family, an untimely death, and the crux of a long metamorphosis&#;actually, more than one.

    One involves lutherie: making and working on stringed instruments. inom started nearly 40 years ago, but made some horrible choices on a beat up but innocent Gibson Melody Maker (electric guitar)&#;even now I feel shame.

    Instrument making has been stalking me ever since, though inom evaded it by channeling the impulse into other design areas. It cropped up nonetheless, with instrument references and materials sneaking into my furniture designs, such as this piece:

    Again and igen woodworki

  • kimo hussey biography of christopher
    Guitar & Ukulele Teacher
     Tel :     pauldcmansell@

    Updated: May 18,

    (Builder of ukuleles for James Hill, Kimo Hussey, Elisabeth Pfeiffer and many others). 

    I recently had the pleasure to interview Pat Megowan who has built ukuleles for some of my favourite players – including Kimo Hussey, James Hill, Elisabeth Pfeiffer, Donald Bousted, Giovanni Albini, Gerald Ross and Arden Fujiwara.  Now if that list isn’t enough to pique your interest, I don’t know what is.  Pat very kindly agreed to answer some questions on his perspectives as a Luthier. 

    Note from Pat: 

    Paul, thank you for the extremely generous introduction, and let me emphasize that there are many wonderful builders with far more experience—I hope you can chat with some of them in the future. 

    A couple clarifications: I completed Donald’s uke (named Ariel, a “spirit of the air” from Shakespeare’s Tempest) just weeks bef