Ben franklin autobiography aphorisms galore

  • If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him.
  • The Compleated Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Quotes.
  • Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God - possibly inspired by a quote by Simon Bradstreet "If everyone is thinking alike, then no one is thinking.".
  • Talk:Benjamin Franklin



    • Scientists have long suspected that volcanoes can affect the global climate. The first to make the connection between a major eruption and the weather was... Benjamin Franklin. Franklin's efforts to negotiate a peace treaty to end the Revolutionary War took him to Europe during the year 1783. ...he was among many to notice the peculiar blue haze or "dry fog" that cloaked the nation that summer and fall. The following winter turned out to be unusually harsh. Soon afterwards Franklin published an article that attributed these events to the eruption of Iceland's Laki Fissure.
    • One famous delegate, Benjamin Franklin, was elected to all three bodies and played a leading role in shaping both the Declaration of Independence and the new Pennsylvania constitution. At seventy, Franklin was among the older patriot leaders, and the oldest to sign the Declaration. He was also the most renowned, thanks to his scientific discoveries and “Poor Richa
    • ben franklin autobiography aphorisms galore
    • On Benjamin Franklin | For that High-Octane Inspiration 

      Autobiographies have such a charm and delight of their own! 

      And so do life writings! And so do memoirs! And so do confessions, and so do diaries, and so do personal journal entries!

      Indeed, their quaint charm and their ‘awesome wonder’ give them their peculiar ‘thisness’ or ‘aboutness’, coming as it does with their innate cultural baggage and lived experiences galore!!!

      In this respect, we human beings have always been amazing narrative beings! 

      In other words, we are the sum total of our life's narratives! So yes! our 'Self' is in reality the product of all our life-narratives woven together into a rich tapestry of sorts! 

      Narratives that integrate memories, weave nostalgia, and plait past pictures into a myriad, culturally grounded discourse. 

      As such, our life stories act as highly effective cultural texts t

      Electric Ben: The Amazing Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin

      October 20, 2013
      Although some readers may be turned off by the small font size and the book's use of several columns of type to emulate the broadsides and newspapers of the early colonial period, I found them appealing. Not only do they put the subject of this lively biography in the proper context, given that he was a newspaper man, but they allow readers to have a taste of what Poor Richard's Almanack looked like. By the time the book's final page has been reached, readers will have amassed quite a few interesting facts about Ben Franklin, the Electric Ben of the title, famous for his experiments with lightning and electricity, but oh, so much more than that. The man was an inventor, a diplomat, a writer, a publisher, someone whose interest in the world around him never seemed to flag. The author/illustrator relies on Franklin's unfinished autobiography and published writings for the pithy sayings that are sprinkled th