Katie stagliano biography

  • Katie Stagliano, a National Geographic Young Explorer from Summerville, South Carolina, is the.
  • Katie Stagliano graduated from the College of Charleston in May of with a degree in Communications and a minor in Leadership, Change, and Social.
  • Katie Stagliano is a year-old from Summerville, South Carolina.
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    Katie Stagliano

    Katie: "I feel so blessed to be able to do what I love everyday, and work with amazing youth to fight hunger, one vegetable garden at a time! Working together, I know we can be apart of the solution to ending world hunger."

    Issue XI Emerging Empowerer Feature Empower

    Interviewed by Vanshika Gandhi

    Edited by Bhagyashree Prabhutendolkar

    20th September,

    Katie Stagliano is a year-old from Summerville, South Carolina. She is the founder of Katie’s Krops, a not-for-profit organization with the mission to start and maintain vegetable gardens of all sizes and donate the harvest to help feed people in need as well as to assist and inspire others to do the same. Till date, Katie’s Krops has donated over , thousand pounds of healthy food to those in need.

    Your dream to grow a healthy end to hunger began when you were nine years old. Most people at this age aren’t even fully aware about what ‘En

    Katie's Cabbage

    April 27,
    Katie gets a cabbage seedling from school and takes it home to plant it in her backyard. She goes out everyday to water it and pull any weeds that could take away nutrients from the soil. When Katie's neighbor saw a deer in their backyard eating their plants they called Katie to warn her. Thankfully, Katie's grandpa came and helped her build a cage around her cabbage. One night at dinner Katie's dad tells her that some people can't afford to eat dinner with their families very night. This is when Katie decides she should donate her cabbage to help feed people. Katie's cabbage grew to be 40 pounds. When Katie took her cabbage to the food bank she decided she wanted to come back and help serve the people her cabbage. Katie's cabbage was paired with rice and ham and served to people. Katie was so happy she decided to grow more plants in her garden and continue to donate them to help others.

    Age appropriate:

    This book is a gre
  • katie stagliano biography
  • Katie Stagliano received a tiny cabbage seedling in 3rd grade which changed her life. That seedling grew to be a 40lb cabbage, which Katie donated to a local soup kitchen called Tri-County Family Ministries.

    “As inom served my cabbage to the guests and they thanked me for helping to feed them, inom knew inom could, and I should do more to help,” said Katie. “My one cabbage helped to feed people. After seeing how many people my one cabbage helped to feed, I thought how many people can a garden feed? And that was the inspiration for me to uppstart Katie’s Krops.”

    Katie’s Krops empowers kids to create vegetable gardens in their communities. The food grown in the gardens is then donated to shelters and people in need. Katie started Katie’s Krops in May when she was only nine, but she already understood how the issue of hunger impacts many families around the United States.

    “Hunger can affect anyone: your neighbor, your classmates, your friends. Many people/families are just one paycheck away f