Eugenie baird biography

  • Eugenie Baird (November 19, 1923 – June 12, 1988) was an American big-band, jazz, and radio singer.
  • Eugenie Baird was an American big-band, jazz, and radio singer.
  • Born in Pennsylvania in 1923, Baird began singing in elementary school.
  • Eugenie Baird

    American jazz singer (1923–1988)

    Musical artist

    Eugenie Baird (November 19, 1923 – June 12, 1988) was an American big-band, jazz, and radio singer.[1][2]



    Baird was from Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania.[3] She was the daughter of Eugene Baird, whose obituary described him as a construction foreman,[4] but another source said that she came "from a theatrical family."[5] She sang in choral groups in grammar school.[6]



    Baird's early experiences in radio included a thrice-weekly program of her own on KDKA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She gained that spot via audition as a high school student.[3][6]

    For a year, Baird was Bing Crosby's singing partner on Kraft Music Hall on NBC.[7] She hosted the radio program Eugenie Baird Sings on ABC in 1946 and she "was selected from more than 50 girls to sing the top tunes of all time."[8] on Paul

    Eugenie Baird

    Eugenie Baird, née le et morte le [1], est une chanteuse dem jazzaméricaine[2].


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    Elle est née à Mount Lebanon enstaka Pennsylvanie[3]. Son père est Eugene Baird. L'annonce dem décès ni père le dit contremaître dans le bâtiment[4] mais une autre source indique qu'Eugenie Baird vient d'une famille d'artistes de théâtre[5]. Elle chante dans des chorales lors de sa scolarité[6].


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    Une de ses premières expérience à la radio est une émission qu'elle anime sur l'émetteur KDKA (en) à Pittsburgh, émission pour laquelle elle a été choisie après une audition dans son lycée[3]. Pendant un an, elle est la partenaire dem chant dem Bing okänt dans l'émission Kraft Music Hall (en) sur NBC[7]. ett 1946, elle dispose dem sa propre émission hebdomadaire, Eugenie Baird Sings sur ABC[8]. La même année, elle est ensuite « sélectionnée parmi plus de 50 filles pour chanter fransk artikel plus

    Eugenie Baird

    Vocalist Eugenie Baird sang for three name orchestras in the early 1940s before starting a successful solo career in 1944. She appeared regularly on radio in the late 1940s and early 1950s, both as a singer and as a disc jockey. Baird also worked on television and the Broadway stage. She continued singing into the early 1960s when she married and retired from show business.

    Baird grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and received her first professional break singing on local radio station KDKA while still in high school. She worked with Pittsburgh bandleader Baron Elliot before joining Tony Pastor in March 1941. Pastor picked her as his female vocalist after she sent him a picture and a recording of her voice. Baird remained with Pastor until late 1942, when reports had her suffering from “bad tonsils” in September and planning a vacation. Marcia Rice had taken her place by November, with Baird joining Jan Savitt at about the same time. In early 1943, she became part

  • eugenie baird biography