Charif benhelima biography of martin
Galerie Michael Janssen presents Charif Benhelima – Harlem on my Mind on view until March 5, 2011.
Galerie Michael Janssen is pleased to present for the first time Belgian photographer Charif Benhelima with the exhibition Harlem on my Mind: I was, I am.
Long before Harlem became one of the trendiest neighborhoods in the real estate market of Manhattan, it was a metaphor for African American culture at its richest. Benhelima’s passion for Jazz as well as his desire to experience African American culture at its source prompted him to move to Harlem, where he lived and worked from 1999 to 2003, undertaking the difficult task of photographing a place that was only known to him through legend and through its music. The title of the project is a reference to the controversial exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum in 1969. The black and white and red photographic series consists of forty-eight images of splattered walls, shadowy figures, dirty streets and battered buildings. Benhel
[size=20]Station Museum of Contemporary Art wishes to announce the following 6 solo exhibitions. These exhibitions will open on Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 7 pm with music & refreshments. We are participating in FotoFest 2010, Houston, Texas.[/size]
Santiago Forero, The Riot, 2009
from the series Action Heroes, digital print
Two films about Palestine by noted artist Suha Shoman deal with critical issues concerning the Israeli occupation of her homeland.
Charif Benhelima’s photographic project, Welcome to Belgium, illuminates the plight of Arab immigrants in Europe. An essay by noted Belgium painter, Luc Tuymans, describes Charif’s project as “a testimony, beginning at the beginning and covering a research period lasting nine years.”
Santiago Forero presents a singularly perceptive perspective on life in the United States through his cryptic p
In 2022, Be-Part Waregem experienced a transitional year. Its distinctive building on Westerlaan was sold by the owner (and later demolished), forcing Be-Part to relocate to a new permanent exhibition space. This became ‘de Schakelbox’, centrally located in the city, where both exhibitions and workshops now take place. In the meantime, concrete plans emerged to explore public spaces in Waregem. This led to the concept of the Pirate Pavilion (by Nico Dockx, Voet Architectuur, and Studio Zuidervaart), which funnen a home in Baron Casier Park in September 2023. This pavilion perfectly embodies the concept (and name) ‘Be Part (of it)’, inviting people to actively participate in a dynamic, ever-evolving artwork.
Looking Ahead
In spring 2025, Abby Kortrijk, a new museum for visual arts, will open, with Be-Part as Kortrijk’s partner. In 2026, Be-Part will present its first exhibition there featuring works by Tom Callemin. The outstanding facilities, scope, and broad support for