Funny biography 2009 jelsoft enterprises ltd

  • I wish the character limit for the Biography could be longer?
  • I usually use the individual bio to write notes about the selected sim and the family bio to write things down I have to remember about the family.
  • Awesome replays, awesome transitions, awesome camerawork!
  • Derby Trail Forums > Main Forum > The Paddock > Does anyone remember Harvey Pack?


    View Full Version : Does anyone remember Harvey Pack?

    Bold Reasoning

    03-08-2007, 03:30 PM

    I was a Harvey Pack fan. He was a racing analyst for NYRA in the 80's. He might have been with them before and after. I am not sure. I heard him on an internet stream a few days ago; it was for a classic race. I am not sure which it was ; I was watching several in that time period. I still remember his review of 1984; I kept that tape(because of Swale and Slew O' Gold). Unlike the ESPN crew, this guy really knew his stuff.

    Payson Dave

    03-08-2007, 03:41 PM

    Harvey was/is a character....He was an entertainer first and formost
    May the Horse Be With You


    03-08-2007, 03:49 PM

    I spoke to him on the phone about two hours ago.


    03-08-2007, 04:09 PM

    He does the Siro's handicapping seminars with some other guy whose name I can't remember. :p


    Category: Outdated LotRO InterfacesAuC Theme - Blue (SoM)


    Example of Panels and UI bar


    New art for Book 13


    Updates for Shadows of Mirkwood



    *There will be no further updates*

    Feb 2011
    After one too many run-ins with Turbine's pathetic excuse for Customer Service, I've finally thrown in the towel on LOTRO. So inom will no longer maintain any of my UI skins for the game.

    This theme was originally created bygd request for my kinsmen in Aphadrim uin Calad (Elendilmir). Our guild tecken is incorporated into the theme in several places, but should be minimal enough to be unobtrusive to those who are not associated with AuC. Some portion of the panels are set to 85% opacity, this fryst vatten intentional and was requested.

    I have two other skins that are identical in every way except color. They are Greenand Red. I also have a Navy blueskin that fryst vatten fairly different.

    A shout-ou


    It's been a while, Unregistered -- Welcome back to Eratosphere!


    12-28-2016, 06:52 AM



    Join Date: Nov 2008

    Location: Dorset, UK.

    Posts: 636

    Roger, this being the Sphere I was taking it for granted that all our efforts would be brilliant in all aspects!

    I currently have a "purple" seven-liner, though the last line looks -- at present -- to be a bit of the proverbial spare whatsit at the nuptials. But the patient, albeit surplus to requirements, seems deserving of surgery.

    Am grateful for the offer of your Guide Dog and white stick. But I am close to being a hopeless case.

    Could "silver" be the unreachable Final Frontier? To boldly go anywhere near it seems to require the teaming of Ogden Nash, WS Gilbert and Tom Lehrer. And then some!


    12-28-2016, 08:36 AM


  • funny biography 2009 jelsoft enterprises ltd