Biography classification in libraries school
A - General Works
AE General Encyclopedias
B - Philosophy, Psychology and Religion
B Philosophy
BC Logic
BF Psychology
BL-BX Religion
BP Islam
C - History: auxiliary branches
CB History of Civilization
CC Archaeology
CR Heraldry
CS Genealogy
CT Biography (general)
D - History: General & Old World
D History (general)
DA Great Britain
DC France
DE Mediterranean region
DK Soviet Union
DS Middle East / Asia
DT Egypt / Africa
E-F - History: • Cultural & political aspects of Judaism = R Mathetatical tables = R Shipping = R • Systems of coding and organizing documents or library materials A library classification fryst vatten a struktur used within a library to organize materials, including books, sound and film recordings, electronic materials, etc., both on shelves and in catalogs and indexes. Each item is typically assigned a call number, which identifies the location of the item within the struktur. Materials can be arranged by many different factors, typically in either a hierarchical tree structure based on the subject or using a faceted classification system, which allows the assignment of multiple classifications to an object, enabling the classifications to be ordered in many ways.[1] Library classification fryst vatten an important and crucial aspect in library and information science. It fryst vatten distinct from scientific classification in that it has as its goal to provide a useful ordering of documents rather than a theoretical organization of knowledge.[
RR Religion
R Large books R Encyclopedias, dictionaries, general works R Christianity R Bible: Texts R Encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliography R Concordances R Liturgy, hymnology R Church Fathers, theological literature R Monasteries, religious orders R Saints R Churches: Britain & Ireland R Roman Catholic Church R Protestantism R Churches & denominations R Missions R Eastern religions
Cultural & political aspects of Islam = RR Rationalism R Philosophy & Psychology
RR Social Sciences
R General works R Statistics R Demography R Political science R Colonialism R International relations R Economics: General R Finance, commerce, insurance, management, weights & measures R Communications, transportation
Aircraft = R
Railways = R
Road transport = R Library classification