Trevor paglen biography of donald

  • Trevor Paglen was born in 1974 at an Air Force base in Maryland where his father was an ophthalmologist.
  • Trevor Paglen (1974-) is a multi-disciplinary artist, geographer, and writer in New York, New York.
  • As solo shows open in London, Pittsburgh, and Turin, the American maverick revisits his singular artistic trajectory.
  • The Last Pictures: Interview with Trevor Paglen

    In 1963 NASA launched the first communications satellite, Syncom 2, into a geosynchronous orbit over the Atlantic Ocean. Since then, humans have slowly and methodically added to this space-based communications infrastructure. Currently, more than 800 spacecraft in geosynchronous orbit form a man-made ring of satellites around Earth at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers. Most of these spacecraft powered down long ago, yet continue to float aimlessly around the planet. Geostationary satellites are so far from earth that their orbits never decay. The dead spacecraft in orbit have become a permanent fixture around Earth, not unlike the rings of Saturn. They will be the longest-lasting artifacts of human civilization, quietly floating through space long after every trace of humanity has disappeared from the planet’s surface.

    Commissioned and presented by public art organization Creative Time, TheLast Pictures is

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    Trevor Paglen on Art in the Age of Mass Surveillance and Artificial Intelligence

    Episode 49

    Interview by Spencer Bailey

    Trevor Paglen aspires to see the unseen. The artist explores the act of looking through various angles—such as how artificial intelligence systems have been trained to “see” and categorize the world, or the disquieting sense of being “watched” by a security camera—and creates scenarios that frequently implicate viewers in the experience. At other times, he’ll take pictures of places that are typically kept far out of sight, including the rarely seen headquarters of America’s National Security Agency, or the Mojave Desert, home to numerous military facilities, prisons, and a former nuclear testing site. Paglen, who has a Ph.D. in geography from University of California, Berkeley, also thinks about the relationship between space and time, and how the associations a person makes while looking at something—be it a landscape or a satellite in endless orbit around

  • trevor paglen biography of donald