Angelos papadimitriou biography sample

  • Angelos Papadimitriou, which had been announced to the market on January 20, In accordance with the Pirelli Remuneration Policy, the.
  • Angelos Papadimitriou was co-opted by the Board of Directors following the resignation of Carlo Secchi tendered on July 31, , his term.
  • Angelos_poulis on March 14, ""The only thing more inspirational than writing quotes is pretending anyone cares enough to read them.".
  • Nati il 10 ottobre

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  • angelos papadimitriou biography sample

    Artemis Leontis is C. P. Cavafy Professor of Modern Greek and Comparative Literature and chair of  the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Michigan. Her field of specialization is Modern Greek Studies and her research interests range from the study of Greeks and the Greek language to the idea of Greece cultivated in the West in the modern period. Her latest book, Eva Palmer Sikelianos: A Life in Ruins (Princeton University Press, ), tells the story of an atypical American philhellene, while at the same time addressing larger issues such as the modern reception of Classical Greece and the challenges posed to the West by Modern Greece. Greek News Agenda* had the opportunity to interview Professor Leontis on her recent research on the life of Eva Palmer Sikelianos, as well as on the present and future of Modern Greek Studies in American academia.

    Your recent monograph, Eva Palmer Sikelianos: A Life in Ruins (PUP, ) depicts the life and work of this atypi

    Angelos Doukas


    Bachelor of Science Political Science, Minor in Anthropology, the University of Rochester; Juris Doctor, New York Law School; MBA, Durham University; PhD Marketing, Durham University.

    Dr. Doukas has been a member of the Deree faculty since September of He has taught courses in the area of Economics, Law, and Marketing. His current teaching involves courses such as Principles of Marketing, and International Marketing.

    His research interests focus on issues relating to corporate social responsibility and corporate ethics, within organizational marketing practices and activities. He is also interested in issues relating to digital marketing, with particular emphasis on social media and its applications to marketing activities. Dr. Doukas also serves as a member of the CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing) Committee.