Claude monet biography powerpoint rubrics

  • Claude monet for kids
  • Claude monet ppt
  • Claude Monet was a French painter and founder of impressionism.
  • Claude

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    Claude Monet was a French painter and founder of impressionism. He was born in in Paris and is known for his paintings of landscapes and water lilies. Some of his most famous works include Impression, Soleil Levant (), Haystacks (), and his series of water lily paintings from Monet spent much of his career painting and living in Giverny, France, where he created his famous water garden and painted many scenes of it. He died in in Giverny at the age of


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    Claude Monet was a French painter and founder of impressionism. He was born in in Paris and is known for his paintings of landscapes and water lilies. Some of his most famous works include Impression, Soleil Levant (), Haystacks (), and his series of water lily paintings from Monet spent much of his career painting and l
  • claude monet biography powerpoint rubrics
  • Monet

  • 1. Painting in Monet’s style 4th level
  • 2. Objectives to agree with students • 10 Tips for learning success • Engage students in having interest about Monet’s life and his artwork. • Use ICT to find information about his work and life. • Appreciate the childhood and life of a well-known artist • Explore different materials, flashcards, books, stories, power point • Work individually and collaborative • Use appropriate language • Complete his/her own artwork • Use the materials with responsibility • Provide suggestions to improve their work • Talk about similarities/differences between the artist and their work.
  • 3. Information about Monet • At school students have read a synopsis of Monet. • At home they have make some research about life and artwork of Monet. • With the information they have found and are given they answer some questions to check understanding and meaning.
  • 4. MONET Synopsis: • Claude Monet was a famous painter. His work gave a name to the art move

    Claude monet

  • 1. “I do what I can to något som utförs snabbt exempelvis expressleverans what inom feel in the presence of nature.” Claude konstnär (claude monet)
  • 2. • Born in Paris, France in • Is now one of the most famous artists of all time • Impressionist painter Claude konstnär (claude monet)
  • 3. Impressionist Style • Soft edges • Bright colors dabbed side bygd side • Short, choppy brushstrokes • Highly textured surface
  • 4. Regatta at Argenteuil, • Painted the people & places he knew best • Common Subjects: – Seascapes – Landscapes – Flowers – Portraits Subject Matter
  • 5. Poppies at Argenteuil,
  • 6. Woman with a Parasol Camille konstnär (claude monet) and her son jean
  • 7. Painted the same subject in different weather, seasons, and times of the day Monet saw that the colors of a scen changed as the light and weather changed
  • 8. Rouen Cathedral at Midday, Rouen Cathedral in the Evening, Rouen Cathedral Morning Sun, Color constantly changes according to the sun’s position
  • • konstnär (claude monet) created a beautiful garden in Giverny – Bamboo, Irises, Roses, Water L