Pennsylvania 1750 biography

  • What type of colony was pennsylvania
  • Pennsylvania history timeline
  • Why did william penn founded pennsylvania
  • Province of Pennsylvania

    British colony in North America (–)

    The Province of Pennsylvania, also known as the Pennsylvania Colony, was a British North American colony founded by William Penn, who received the land through a grant from Charles II of England in The name Pennsylvania was derived from "Penn's Woods", referring to William Penn's father Admiral Sir William Penn.

    The Province of Pennsylvania was one of the two major Restoration colonies. The proprietary colony's charter remained in the Penn family until they were later ousted following the American Revolution and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was established as one of the original thirteen states. The lower counties on Delaware, a separate colony within the Pennsylvania Province, broke away during the American Revolution and was established as the Delaware State and also became one of the original thirteen states.

    The colony attracted English Quakers, Germans, and Scots-Irish frontiersmen. The Lenape Indian t

    Colonial Era

    When Lenape Indians in July crossed the Delaware River from New Jersey to meet with Pennsylvania government officials, they represented a people whose homeland became the Greater Philadelphia region: southeastern Pennsylvania, central and southern New Jersey, and Delaware. Despite their decline in population from European diseases, the Lenapes remained strong. They told the Pennsylvanians that while many Lenapes “live on the other side of the river [in New Jersey], yet we reckon ourselves all one, because we drink one water,” the Delaware and its tributaries. Since the s, English settlers had imposed political divisions on the more open Lenape homeland, most obviously with the boundary along the river separating West New Jersey from Pennsylvania and the Lower Counties (Delaware). But while these political divisions gained potency as colonial elites developed legal and political structures, the Delaware Valley in many ways remained integrated economically and socially

  • pennsylvania 1750 biography
  • Pennsylvania

    By Rudolph J. Walther, revised bygd

    Before europeisk settlement, Pennsylvania was inhabited by many native tribes, including the Erie, Honniasont, Huron, ett samlingsnamn för flera ursprungsfolk i nordamerika (especially Seneca and Oneida), Leni Lenape, Munsee, Shawnee, Susquehannock, and unknown others.

    In the period of europeisk exploration, there was a flurry of activity in North amerika. The English (, John Cabot), the French (, Verrazano), the Spanish (, Columbus in the West Indies, and other Spanish explorers reaching North amerika perhaps bygd ), and the Dutch (, Henry Hudson, an Englishman in the service of the Dutch East India Company, on his ship the Half Moon) all claimed lands.

    In , English Captain John Smith visited the Susquehannock Indians in Pennsylvania. In , Henry Hudson sailed into Delaware Bay, thus giving the Dutch their claim to the area. In Virginian Captain Samuel Argall visited Delaware Bay (he named it for Lord dem la Warr, governor of Virginia). Dutch navigator Cornelis Jacobszoon M